Welcome to CeeGee Toons, the website of cartoonist, Cheryl Goacher. Here, you will find various cartoons and artwork featuring all manner of characters and scenes, as well as links to the CeeGee Toons shops. So, which part of the site would you like to visit, today?
Gallery - Art featuring unique characters and scenes.
Fanart - Art featuring characters and scenes from other media.
Sketches - Pencil sketches covering both original and fanart.
Graphics - Images designed as illustrations for other websites.
Teletext - Art made with teletext editors, covering both original and fanart.
T-Shirts - A gallery of designs from the CeeGee Toons webstores!
About - Information on the site and the webmaster, contact information, and advice on linking to CeeGee Toons.
Site update 1st March 2024: Today marks the arrival of the new 'Teletext' section of this site. Longtime visitors will know that this isn't exactly new territory for CeeGee Toons; I've been selling merchandise with teletext-style art since 2020 and making teletext videos for the site since 2019. However, I have now decided to share some of my work as a standard gallery. While not exhaustive, the pieces currently on display go from my earliest experiments with teletext editors all to way up to my most recent pieces, which were created for the 2023 teletext advent calendars. The unicorn here on the front page serves as a sample of my work in this medium, and I hope you enjoy what I have on display.
As always, if there are any issues, such as broken images or links, you can contact me with the email address in the 'About' section.
Site update 13th December 2023: Looks like I get to keep my word from last time, as here is a new update: a new piece has been added to the Fanart gallery. And it's not just a simple illustration, either; I've put together a whole Super Mario Bros.-themed comic page for your amusement!
And with that, I'd like to thank you all for visiting CeeGee Toons and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Site update 2nd December 2023: Well, the Christmas season is once again upon us, so the fluffball carollers have joined the front page. Aside from various sales going on at the webstores, there is little else to report; if things go well, there might be at least one more update before the end of December. In the meantime, enjoy the fluffy Christmas goodness!
Support CeeGee Toons at Ko-fi!
Current offer: 25% off various products at the Redbubble store until whenever they feel like ending it. Don't miss out!
Copyright 2019-2024 Cheryl Goacher. No artwork is to be altered, reused, or redistributed without permission. All 'fanart' images were created in appreciation of the works depicted, with no infringement intended. More information can be found on the 'About' page linked above.